Buildroot compatible package

I would love to include ZeroTier into firmware I’m building for Xilinx based boards, however, I’ve not found an example of ZeroTier being included in any buildroot repositories. Would it be possible for anyone to provide the necessary and compatible buildroot package/necessary files to build? I’ll be happy to test.

I would like this feature too

any update on this topic?

I’m pretty sure people are doing it. We haven’t had the resources to do it in-house and write guides.

Is there something particular about the zerotier repository that makes it hard to use?

Any Linux distro for Xilinx would proably do.

There are plenty of tailor made distros you can look at that are based on Buildroot like OpenWrt, Home Assistant OS, OpenEmbedded, etc that all run ZeroTIer, both as “bare metal” or using containers.