Access device on remote network

I have a device that has no ability to install the ZT client.

It sits behind a router that only gives private IP addresses.

This device has a control/management software that scans the subnets of any network it has access to.

So for example the management software runs on a Windows laptop. The ZT client is installed on this and is connected into the ZT network we’ve setup for this. The management app will scan the 192.168.192.x ZT subnet for any compatible clients.

Unfortunately it doesn’t allow you to specify the IP of the device, otherwise this would be a cakewalk.

On the other site I have the device that I’ll need to connect to. Right now I have a Mikrotik in a double Nat setup. The site where this is hosted won’t allow public IPS to be handed out to internal devices.

I’ve seen a few docs where you can achieve this by installing a Pi or a Mikrotik router but they don’t explain in detail how to setup the routing.

Ultimately if the Mikrotik could pass on the ZT network DHCP that would be perfect.

This would probably be easier with a diagram so I’ll update the post tomorrow with a visual representation of what I have and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

ZeroTier doesn’t provide DHCP in a way that can be bridged to a physical network. You want to go in the opposite direction from the physical network, so try this:

  1. Create a ZeroTier network with an address space that overlaps the physical network with the “device”.
  2. Put a static address on each ZeroTier node, like the remote “windows laptop”, that is outside the DHCP lease range of the physical network.
  3. Promiscuously bridge the physical interface into the ZT interface on the Mikrotik router.

Research how people use ZeroTier to bridge networks so that they can watch Netflix out-of-region or play console video games with LAN matching. Your issue is similar.

Get something like Network Neighborhood working first. If things like MDNS discovery from ZeroTier clients to a server on the physical network don’t work, then the “management software” won’t work either.


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