Adding (Admin) Users via ZeroTier Central API (updateNetwork > permissions map)

I am using the ZeroTier Central API and I can change things like Network Name, Network Description, MTU etc, however I would like to add my colleagues to a network automatically.

I have found the [ZeroTier Central API | ZeroTier Documentation] for updateNetwork (ZeroTier Central API | ZeroTier Documentation) and this has a “permissions” property.

However ZT Central or the response does not reflect the changes I make.

Network 885033839019b072 To be updated via url
POST Body to be used

  description: 'Dummy Description2',
  config: { name: 'Dummy Name', private: false, mtu: null, tags: [ '' ] },
  permissions: {
    '0501dedc-20da-46e2-8b36-7a46ff75920c': { a: true, d: true, m: true, r: true },
    'eab7efa4-0523-4e38-8f76-f74fde2a5125': { a: true, d: true, m: true, r: true }

Network 885033839019b072 updated. Response: 200/OK

  id: '885033839019b072',
  type: 'Network',
  clock: 1696332065430,
  config: {
    authTokens: null,
    creationTime: 1694418011397,
    capabilities: [],
    enableBroadcast: true,
    id: '885033839019b072',
    ipAssignmentPools: [ [Object] ],
    lastModified: 1696332065395,
    mtu: 2800,
    multicastLimit: 32,
    name: 'Dummy Name',
    private: false,
    remoteTraceLevel: 0,
    remoteTraceTarget: null,
    routes: [ [Object] ],
    rules: [ [Object] ],
    tags: [ '' ],
    v4AssignMode: { zt: true },
    v6AssignMode: { '6plane': false, rfc4193: false, zt: false },
    dns: { domain: '', servers: null },
    ssoConfig: { enabled: false, mode: '' }
  description: 'Dummy Description2',
  rulesSource: 'accept;',
  permissions: {
    '38852822-5922-4709-8283-5f72f7c2d6d5': { a: true, d: true, m: true, r: true },
    '6ba92a3f-ed27-467a-bf69-52661e93473a': { a: true, d: true, m: true, r: true },
    'eab7efa4-0523-4e38-8f76-f74fde2a5125': { a: true, d: true, m: true, r: true }
  ownerId: 'eab7efa4-0523-4e38-8f76-f74fde2a5125',
  onlineMemberCount: 0,
  authorizedMemberCount: 0,
  totalMemberCount: 0,
  capabilitiesByName: {},
  tagsByName: {},
  ui: {
    membersHelpCollapsed: true,
    rulesHelpCollapsed: true,
    settingsHelpCollapsed: true,
    v4EasyMode: false

I would expect that the following user would be added, but it is not added.


I am able to update networks via the ZeroTier Central UI.

So I wonder - can anyone else make this work?



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