Binding ZeroTier to single WAN port on UDM Pro

Apologies if this is a naive question but I am new to ZeroTier.

If I follow the instructions for installing ZeroTier on my Ubiquiti UDM Pro, can I bind it to just one of the WAN ports?

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Probably the easiest way is to blacklist the interface(s) that should be avoided in local.conf.
See Client Configuration | ZeroTier Documentation

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Thanks. I will give that a go.

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This didn’t go well. There was no local.conf file to edit, so I created one and put it in the /var/lib/zerotier-one directory. I then stopped and restarted the service but it made no difference. I ran zerotier-cli info -j but there was no trace of the config file settings.

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You may need to configure the path to your local.conf in your main ZT config file.
In OpenWrt, for example, it looks like this: option local_conf '/etc/zerotier.conf'
There is always a possibility that ZT version you have is missing this functionality.

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