Can't access shared folders due to a enter network credentials

Hi there!
Sorry for the stupid question, I’m not a system administrator and after searching the internet I haven’t found an answer.

I’m trying to connect two win11 machines from different cities to a local network using Zerotier. The ping is fine, the network recognises the name of the PC, but I can’t access the network folders. A popup window appears - enter network credentials, username and password request. None of the passwords work.

The local network in my house works fine with no password required.
The problem works both ways.

Any help would be appreciated!

that was a pass of my Keenetic router…lol

Question !
Have you ever tried creating another user in the windows system you are trying to enter to. windows sees a already having user as much better sucirty. In lan most probably your system both at private network and works with relax firewall.
which brings me to my next point. see if you can change the network type. when i did use windows on my old system, it did ocationally change the network type without any reason. you could set the zerotier network as private netowork.

i cant give you much specific way to check these, since i have kinda moving out of windows eco system. it hurts way too much on my old machines. so internet mught be your friend. but i have done this exact between windows and linux about 3000km apart :V .
you can also play movies with little bit buffering.

Добрый день вы взламиваити аккаунти с малдови это такая страна под укроиной и рядом с румынией и россией там еще есть республика предньстровье но она отдельно но и нет там другая валюта и есть министр но она не отдельна

отправьте ответ пожалуйста на аккаунт телеграм: @snsksjajj она боится скачивать приложение хотя уже скачала прогу( у нее мозгов нету) ( пож ответьте быстрее я не люблю ждать)

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