Looks like the new version of Mint (Mint 22 Cinnamon) is not yet supported by the DEB install script. I see there is already a Github request open at Zerotier does not install properly on Linux Mint 22 (Wilma) · Issue #76 · zerotier/install.zerotier.com · GitHub
I am experiencing the same scenario. Script runs, then reports,
*** Installing zerotier-one package…
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
*** Package installation failed! Unfortunately there may not be a package
*** for your architecture or distribution. For the source go to:
*** GitHub - zerotier/ZeroTierOne: A Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth
Following this, APT breaks and Mint 22 is unable to perform updates until the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list is deleted.
Any chance this can be updated soon? Heading on my travels in a few days, and hoping I’ll be able to access my Zerotier network on the road. Such great software. Thanks for making it available to the hobbyist community!
I found a solution here. I had the same problem myself.
opened 01:51AM - 03 Aug 24 UTC
I would really appreciate a .deb installer!
Currently zerotier creates a malf… ormed .list file which breaks apt cache and doesn't install a package
*** ZeroTier Service Quick Install for Unix-like Systems
*** Tested OSes / distributions:
*** MacOS (10.13+) (just installs ZeroTier One.pkg)
*** Debian Linux (7+)
*** RedHat/CentOS Linux (6+)
*** Fedora Linux (16+)
*** SuSE Linux (12+)
*** Mint Linux (20+)
*** Kali Linux (2024.1+)
*** Supported architectures vary by OS / distribution. We try to support
*** every system architecture supported by the target.
*** Please report problems by opening a GitHub issue or Pull Request at:
*** https://github.com/zerotier/install.zerotier.com
*** Please include the content of /etc/os-release for your distribution.
*** Detecting Linux Distribution
*** Detected Linux Mint, creating /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
*** Installing zerotier-one package...
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list (URI parse)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
*** Package installation failed! Unfortunately there may not be a package
*** for your architecture or distribution. For the source go to:
*** https://github.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne
/etc/os-release contents:
NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="22 (Wilma)"
ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 22"
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zerotier/install.zerotier.com/3573e9c87522d0e459770df60ee424e92bcb9a68/htdocs/install.sh | sudo bash
this code should work