Can't see UNRAID server with Windows machines

I set up an UNRAID server running a Zerotier Docker. I also have a Win10 VM running on this server. Initially everything was fine and could see the server and the VM under the Zerotier network.

Now the UNRAID server does not show up and mapped UNRAID drives (SMB shares) won’t connect. The shared VM “computer” shows up and connects fine.

Both the VM and the UNRAID server respond to pings from a remote PC. I have changed no settings.

When connected at home, the local UNRAID SMB shares connect and work fine.
Can’t find a solution to this - please help.

Anyone with a solution to this?

I would try to “turn it off and back on again”… unmap the drive, restart the smb server, something like that. Leave the zerotier network and rejoin.

I followed zt-travis’ suggestions and had no luck. I’m beginning to wonder if the problem started when I went to 6.12.0rc6 UNRAID version.

I can ping the server but cannot see it in Windows Explorer or map to its shares. I’m unwilling to revert the UNRAID version but would like to resolve this in some manner.

Sorry for the frustration. Are you trying to connect by hostname, or by IP address? Try IP address.

I ran into the same issue after updating to 6.12.0 rc6.

First you will need to update to 6.12.0 (next)
Then follow this

Use the IP from Zerotier to add to the - Include listening interfaces:

I still have not been able to access the shares but I am now able to access the UI.

I think I got it working. I did as I noted above then ran the following command in the console

/etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart

That restarted the Samba service and it seems to be working now.

Neither works. I solved this by downgrading to 6.11.5. Running the older version, the shares can be mapped. Interesting that the server still does not show up as a computer, but accessibility to the shares is all I care about for now. I will wait a bit for another attempt at going back to 6.12.0 and apply the fixes mentioned in this thread.

It looks like 6.12.3 broke it again. I had it working on 6.12.2.

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