Connection issue 1.6.2 Debian 10


I have a weird connection issue that only occurs on 1.6.2 as far as I have noticed. All my devices are running Debian 10 with ZeroTier 1.6.2-2. When I restart ZeroTier on one of my nodes, or the whole node for that matter, I do not get a connection to the root servers anymore. I can see a DIRECT connection to the node on the root server, but on the node it just says RELAY. I do however get a DIRECT connection between different nodes that are in my network. Pinging between the different devices with their regular IP addresses works perfectly, but I still don’t see a connection on my nodes.

Below are slightly modified versions of the outputs(unrelated nodes are removed)

The node has the ZeroTierID “5b4d12528e” and the IP “”.
The root server has the ZeroTierID “f027098151” and the IP “”.

zerotier-cli peers on the node:
200 peers
<ztaddr>   <ver>  <role> <lat> <link> <lastTX> <lastRX> <path>
a733ab6e31 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
be48991b3a -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
f027098151 -      PLANET    -1 RELAY
zerotier-cli peers on the root server:
200 peers
<ztaddr>   <ver>  <role> <lat> <link> <lastTX> <lastRX> <path>
5b4d12528e 1.6.2  LEAF       1 DIRECT 169      169
a733ab6e31 1.6.2  PLANET     1 DIRECT 2232     2232
be48991b3a 1.6.2  PLANET     0 DIRECT 2684     1502
zerotier-cli dump on the node:
platform: Linux
zerotier version: 1.6.2

 "address": "5b4d12528e",
 "clock": 1607677437395,
 "config": {
  "physical": null,
  "settings": {
   "allowTcpFallbackRelay": true,
   "portMappingEnabled": true,
   "primaryPort": 9993,
   "softwareUpdate": "disable",
   "softwareUpdateChannel": "release"
 "online": false,
 "planetWorldId": 149604618,
 "planetWorldTimestamp": 1567191349589,
 "publicIdentity": "5b4d12528e:0:f31bbc4565976bf554a5365327a10399d1fbe26b4cc5df8536e67e071a3e3043b92cf69335659ea2d8f2a1768b8724bf9e5bf8c3567838f4f8e92f75c8641489",
 "tcpFallbackActive": false,
 "version": "1.6.2",
 "versionBuild": 0,
 "versionMajor": 1,
 "versionMinor": 6,
 "versionRev": 2


  "address": "a733ab6e31",
  "bondingPolicy": 1702125932,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1
  "address": "be48991b3a",
  "bondingPolicy": 0,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": false,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1
  "address": "f027098151",
  "bondingPolicy": 0,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": false,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1

  "address": "a733ab6e31",
  "bondingPolicy": 1702125932,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1
  "address": "be48991b3a",
  "bondingPolicy": 0,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": false,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1
  "address": "f027098151",
  "bondingPolicy": 0,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": false,
  "latency": -1,
  "numAliveLinks": 0,
  "numTotalLinks": 0,
  "paths": [],
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "-1.-1.-1",
  "versionMajor": -1,
  "versionMinor": -1,
  "versionRev": -1

None Present

Network Interfaces

Interface 0
Name: ens192
MTU: 1500
MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
zerotier-cli dump on the root server:
platform: Linux
zerotier version: 1.6.2

 "address": "f027098151",
 "clock": 1607677460791,
 "config": {
  "physical": null,
  "settings": {
   "allowTcpFallbackRelay": true,
   "portMappingEnabled": true,
   "primaryPort": 9993,
   "softwareUpdate": "disable",
   "softwareUpdateChannel": "release"
 "online": true,
 "planetWorldId": 149604618,
 "planetWorldTimestamp": 1567191349589,
 "publicIdentity": "f027098151:0:57af4fa7983a0af26a4a36ad9f1625a518e23bd7e34f37aea2ddc441f4b84371e71c63cc08f4411b62f436ce83dfd2bf0b9cd875e7c775e6ef783819c35a0db8",
 "tcpFallbackActive": false,
 "version": "1.6.2",
 "versionBuild": 0,
 "versionMajor": 1,
 "versionMinor": 6,
 "versionRev": 2


  "address": "5b4d12528e",
  "bondingPolicy": -151331298,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 35,
  "numAliveLinks": 437037126,
  "numTotalLinks": 515335994,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677460446,
    "lastSend": 1607677460446,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "LEAF",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2
  "address": "a733ab6e31",
  "bondingPolicy": -1967209028,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 0,
  "numAliveLinks": -660569531,
  "numTotalLinks": -1129869649,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677456186,
    "lastSend": 1607677456186,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2
  "address": "be48991b3a",
  "bondingPolicy": 1386913680,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 0,
  "numAliveLinks": -702972734,
  "numTotalLinks": 1476579510,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677456284,
    "lastSend": 1607677455772,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2

  "address": "5b4d12528e",
  "bondingPolicy": -151331298,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 35,
  "numAliveLinks": 437037126,
  "numTotalLinks": 515335994,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677460446,
    "lastSend": 1607677460446,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "LEAF",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2
  "address": "a733ab6e31",
  "bondingPolicy": -1967209028,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 0,
  "numAliveLinks": -660569531,
  "numTotalLinks": -1129869649,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677456186,
    "lastSend": 1607677456186,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2
  "address": "be48991b3a",
  "bondingPolicy": 1386913680,
  "isBonded": false,
  "isHealthy": true,
  "latency": 0,
  "numAliveLinks": -702972734,
  "numTotalLinks": 1476579510,
  "paths": [
    "active": true,
    "address": "",
    "expired": false,
    "lastReceive": 1607677456284,
    "lastSend": 1607677455772,
    "preferred": true,
    "trustedPathId": 0
  "role": "PLANET",
  "version": "1.6.2",
  "versionMajor": 1,
  "versionMinor": 6,
  "versionRev": 2

None Present

Network Interfaces

Interface 0
Name: ens192
MTU: 1500
MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The only way I have found to solve this issue is to manually restart ZeroTier on the root servers. Then the node recognizes the connection instantly, but only the connection to the root that we restarted ZeroTier one, and not the other 2 roots. But having to restart ZeroTier on the roots each time one of my nodes is restarted is not optimal. Is there a solution for this at the moment or is it something that will have to wait until the next patch?

@moderators , do any of you have an idea regarding this?

If you want support from ZeroTier for self hosted roots, you’ll need an enterprise support contract. You can contact sales here:

So, if I understand you correctly, what you’re saying is that it is an intentional problem that you have included in the code? I found a similar issue on GitHub, the person in question there had the same problem, but with their moon root.

No. I’m saying we don’t offer support for self hosted root servers outside of enterprise contracts.

Okay, then I’m assuming that it will be fixed in a future update if it is a problem, and that you now know of it. In the meantime I will look at it myself and see if I can find the reason.

Thank you for your time!

We are not aware of any reproducible issues there.

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