I am getting the following error when trying to install zerotier.
here is the command used to try to install it
curl -s 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne/main/doc/contact%40zerotier.com.gpg' | gpg --import && \
if z=$(curl -s 'https://install.zerotier.com/' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi
Out put
curl -s 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne/main/doc/contact%40zerotier.com.gpg' | gpg --import && \
if z=$(curl -s 'https://install.zerotier.com/' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi
gpg: chave 1657198823E52A61: "ZeroTier, Inc. (ZeroTier Support and Release Signing Key) <contact@zerotier.com>" nĂŁo mudada
gpg: NĂşmero total processado: 1
gpg: nĂŁo modificados: 1
: comando nĂŁo encontrado
gpg: AVISO: nenhum comando fornecido. A tentar adivinhar o que vocĂŞ quer dizer...
gpg: Assinatura feita qui 29 ago 2024 14:50:04 -03
gpg: usando RSA chave 74A5E9C458E1A431F1DA57A71657198823E52A61
gpg: emissor "contact@zerotier.com"
gpg: Assinatura correta de "ZeroTier, Inc. (ZeroTier Support and Release Signing Key) <contact@zerotier.com>" [desconhecido]
gpg: AVISO: Esta chave não está certificada com uma assinatura confiável!
gpg: Não há indicação de que a assinatura pertence ao dono.
Impressão digital da chave primária: 74A5 E9C4 58E1 A431 F1DA 57A7 1657 1988 23E5 2A61
[sudo] senha para heitor:
*** ZeroTier Service Quick Install for Unix-like Systems
*** Tested OSes / distributions:
*** MacOS (10.13+) (just installs ZeroTier One.pkg)
*** Debian Linux (7+)
*** RedHat/CentOS Linux (6+)
*** Fedora Linux (16+)
*** SuSE Linux (12+)
*** Mint Linux (20+)
*** Kali Linux (2024.1+)
*** Supported architectures vary by OS / distribution. We try to support
*** every system architecture supported by the target.
*** Please report problems by opening a GitHub issue or Pull Request at:
*** https://github.com/zerotier/install.zerotier.com
*** Please include the content of `/etc/os-release` for your distribution.
*** Detecting Linux Distribution
*** Detected Linux Mint, creating /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zerotier.list
bash: linha 301: [[: 21.3: erro de sintaxe: operador aritmético inválido (token de erro é ".3")
Atingido:1 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy InRelease
Obter:2 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-updates InRelease [128 kB]
Atingido:3 https://brave-browser-apt-release.s3.brave.com stable InRelease
Obter:4 https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease [3.917 B]
Atingido:5 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-backports InRelease
Err:4 https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease
As seguintes assinaturas eram inválidas: EXPKEYSIG 23F3D4EA75716059 GitHub CLI <opensource+cli@github.com>
Atingido:6 https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/ms-teams stable InRelease
Ign:7 https://mint-packages.c3sl.ufpr.br virginia InRelease
Atingido:8 https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable InRelease
Atingido:9 https://mint-packages.c3sl.ufpr.br virginia Release
Atingido:10 https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease
Obter:11 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-updates/main i386 Packages [690 kB]
Obter:12 http://apt.insync.io/mint victoria InRelease [5.544 B]
Obter:13 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security InRelease [129 kB]
Obter:14 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages [1.988 kB]
Atingido:16 https://downloads.k8slens.dev/apt/debian stable InRelease
Ign:17 https://releases.warp.dev/linux/deb stable InRelease
Obter:18 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-updates/universe i386 Packages [730 kB]
Obter:19 http://sft.if.usp.br/ubuntu jammy-updates/universe amd64 Packages [1.123 kB]
Atingido:20 https://releases.warp.dev/linux/deb stable Release
Ign:22 https://apt.datadoghq.com stable InRelease
Atingido:23 https://apt.datadoghq.com stable Release
Atingido:25 https://deb.tableplus.com/debian/22 tableplus InRelease
Obter:26 https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/ubuntu jammy InRelease
Atingido:27 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/agornostal/ulauncher/ubuntu jammy InRelease
Atingido:28 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/fish-shell/release-3/ubuntu jammy InRelease
Baixados 4.804 kB em 3s (1.921 kB/s)
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'https://brave-browser-apt-release.s3.brave.com stable InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease: As seguintes assinaturas eram inválidas: EXPKEYSIG 23F3D4EA75716059 GitHub CLI <opensource+cli@github.com>
W: Falhou ao buscar https://cli.github.com/packages/dists/stable/InRelease As seguintes assinaturas eram inválidas: EXPKEYSIG 23F3D4EA75716059 GitHub CLI <opensource+cli@github.com>
W: Falhou o download de alguns ficheiros de Ăndice. Foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados em seu lugar.
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências... Pronto
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
gpg já é a versão mais recente (2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1).
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 1 nĂŁo atualizados.
main: linha 247: [[: 21.3: erro de sintaxe: operador aritmético inválido (token de erro é ".3")
main: linha 249: [[: 21.3: erro de sintaxe: operador aritmético inválido (token de erro é ".3")
Unsupported distribution linuxmint 21.3