Fault of Zerotier using mobile hotspot connection

Hello everyone, I have installed a zerotier and camera on Raspberry Pi to view videos.
When my
When using WIFI at home, I can access Raspberry Pi normally through Zerotier.
When I have no internet in the outdoor, I connect to the computer through the mobile hotspot, and the computer can normally access the Internet, but at this time I can’t access the raspberry pie through zeroier. May I ask how Zerotier works properly when using mobile hotspot?

Many Android cellphones automatically disconnect VPN sessions like ZeroTier when the hotspot feature is enabled. (eg: My Google and Xiaomi phones do this.)

You need a way to force both networking features on at the same time. You might be able to do it with a developer mode option or an adb command. If not, then you might need to root the phone to get the desired behavior.

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