How can I add a specific IP4 to a node, even though it did not fall under the Auto assign Subnet range

I wanted to Manually assign a IP to the Node

even though its not under the range mentioned in auto assign

  • 10.147.17.*
  • 10.147.18.*
  • 10.147.19.*
  • 10.147.20.*
  • 10.144..
  • 10.241..
  • 10.242..
  • 10.243..
  • 10.244..
  • 172.22..
  • 172.23..
  • 172.24..
  • 172.25..
  • 172.26..
  • 172.27..
  • 172.28..
  • 172.29..
  • 172.30..
  • 192.168.191.*
  • 192.168.192.*
  • 192.168.193.*
  • 192.168.194.*
  • 192.168.195.*
  • 192.168.196.*
    I Manually added the IP via Advanced Tab, but
    Its not getting reflected in the IPV4 address in the ZT Vlan

In order for an IP address to be assigned at the node, it must fall within the LAN route on the network.

Your network’s route is The address does not fall within that range and would not be able to communicate with any other members of the network, so ZeroTier rejects the address.

Thank you Grant, Now I am able to understand :+1:

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