multi-WAN bonding cli quality metrics report zeros

I am attempting to do balance-aware multi-WAN bonding to an AWS Server to provide link aggregation.
Note: not using a NAT gateway, as docs say don’t do that.

ZeroTeir documentation mentions monitoring links for quality metrics etc, and the below command shows said metrics however is all empty values.

I was thinking of creating a script to pull quality values out so I could monitor the link quality over time.

Is this an expected result as of the time of this CLI / Bonding version, or is something wrong?
Ive read through the git / blogs to see multi WAN bonding has had pending 2.0 changes, as well as the CLI had some changes coming soon.

I also don’t get why each link has 3 paths, would have expected one path per interface (2), or one path per the direction of traffic (4). ?? Does someone know if that’s normal?

# zerotier-cli peers
<ztaddr>   <ver>  <role> <lat> <link> <lastTX> <lastRX> <path>
XXXXXXXXX 1.8.6  LEAF       0 DIRECT 618      63

# zerotier-cli bond XXXXXXXXX show

Peer               : XXXXXXXXX
Bond               : balance-aware
Link Select Method : 0
Status             : Healthy
Links              : 6/6
Failover Interval  : 250 (ms)
Up Delay           : 0 (ms)
Down Delay         : 0 (ms)
Packets Per Link   : 0 (ms)

     Interface Name                                          Path        Alive
[0]            eth0                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0
[1]            eth0                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0
[2]            eth0                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0
[3]            eth1                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0
[4]            eth1                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0
[5]            eth1                             Y.Y.Y.Y/9993            0

        Latency     Jitter     Loss     Error        Speed   Alloc
[0]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0
[1]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0
[2]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0
[3]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0
[4]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0
[5]       0.000      0.000    0.000     0.000            0       0


Ubuntu: 20.04.4 LTS
ZeroTeir: 1.8.7 (on multi wan side), 1.8.6 on AWS side.

Settings on both sides of the setup are both set with balance-aware2 for the peer.
And one server has 2 interfaces, the other just one.

# cat /var/lib/zerotier-one/local.conf
    "allowTcpFallbackRelay": false,
    "defaultBondingPolicy": "balance-aware2",
        "basePolicy": "balance-aware",
        "failoverInterval": 250,
        "balancePolicy": "flow-dynamic",
        "rebalanceStrategy": "aggressive",
        "links": {
          "eth0": { "speed": 5000 },
          "eth1": { "speed": 5000 }

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