We are trying to use multipath with ethernet and Wi-Fi. When Ethernet is completely down it sucessfully switches to wifi, and when vice versa it works as well. The issue is when Ethernet is up but has no internet connection, it is not failing over to wifi connection. any way to fix this?
Attached is the local.conf file:
“settings”: {
“defaultBondingPolicy”: “rapid-active-backup”,
“policies”: {
“rapid-active-backup”: {
“basePolicy”: “active-backup”,
“linkSelectMethod”: “always”,
“failoverInterval”: 1000,
“links”: {
“eth0”: {
“ipvPref”: 46,
“failoverTo”: “wlan0”,
“mode”: “primary”
“wlan0”: {
“ipvPref”: 46,
“mode”: “spare”