问一下新手问题 network id 创建会不会存在误区

如图谁能告诉我 这个 a84ac5c10ac566b0标识创建时间会不会存在地区时间误区
这个标识符必须是人为创建的吗 我只是怀疑号被别人上过动过 请求大神指点

As shown in the figure, who can tell me whether there is a regional time error in the creation time of the a84ac5c10ac566b0 logo
Does this identifier have to be created artificially? I’m just that the suspicion number has been touched by someone else and asked for guidance from God
Because on July 18th, I definitely didn’t log in

The times are saved in GMT. I’m not sure if the browser is displaying them to the user in their local timezone.

It looks like there is a node joined and online on that network. Do you recognize it?

You should change your password and set up two factor auth :slight_smile:

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