Hello everyone! I work for a medium sized company and the end users are not technically savvy. Every choice I have made thus far has been to make everything simple and then effective. We have a simple network and whereas the users have been using DWS to remotely access computers from home a few users would like something more akin to a virtual network. To make this work for our users the most important aspect is our Western Digital MyCloud NAS shares without too much work on their part.
So far I am trying this on one test pairing. I have created my network, SSH is enabled, password is assigned, I saw a command line listed in Western Digital | ZeroTier Documentation but not much else is written. I have run said command and it worked. All that is there is CLI. Is there a way to just apply the credential in credential manager to the zero tier mini network so they can just use the NAS drives as if they were sitting on our local network? What are my next steps?
there’s no credential, you just approve when someone install zerotier in their pc, then just remember to make the name and IP unique so you remember who is which.
then can just share like usual. thats the beauty of ZeroTier almost no configuration. it just works
How would that allow access into our NAS drives? Each user has specific access for specific NAS shares. My plan of course would be on network 1 for our CEO to have Zerotier on his laptop, and then Zerotier on his primary office system which has master access. On location his laptop has that same master access. Is it really as simple as authenticating the two and then he can open up the share drives from his house? Nothing else required?
yap just authencating the two from zerotier central, use the IP from Zerotier to connect, then he can work as usual. ofcourse you need user and password from your nas as well
register and create your network
download the app from zerotier.
connect to your network copy that network number to your NAS/ boss /associates Zerotier.
it will appear into your zerotier central and you can tick ( approve it)
add your own IP/name to prevent confusion. believe me more you use the more you confuse if you dont put your own name.
try ping from from one Zerotier IP to another, it should connect
Zero Tier is already a local network and can be channeled via the internet with configurable routers (via router’s nodeIP) without having to install the node on each terminal, simple, easy and functional!! wonderful.