I’m having an issue accessing a ZeroTier network and I’m hoping to find some help here. I’ve added my Windows PC to the network and authorized it on the dashboard. According to the dashboard, my computer was last seen a minute ago. However, when I try to ping another managed IP address on the network, I don’t get any response.
I’ve checked to make sure I don’t have any VPNs enabled on my machine, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. Sometimes I even get a response from the managed IP address associated with my account telling me the targeted host is not accessible.
I don’t understand why the network recognizes my computer but I can’t connect to other hosts. Do you have any idea what I can do in this situation?
If the other machines are Windows, it’s possible that they are treating the zerotier network as a public network and have activated the firewall on that address - which includes blocking pings…
Thanks for the answer! How would I go on to de-block my address from these machines? And why don’t they do this with the other addresses on the network. I can reach the target computer just fine when using another computer in the network.
Kind regards
Not sure if I this is the issue, but Windows assigns a profile to each IP address: Public, Private or Domain. Your local IP subnet was probably tagged as Private early when you first connected and so the firewall is either disabled or set to only lightly limit access. The Zerotier IP is a new subnet and unless specifically authorized, will default to Public (meaning a potentially dangerous place) which turns on the firewall with a very locked down profile (even ping will be blocked by default).
I don’t have a Windows machine in front of me right now and Microsoft moves these things around, but there should be something in the Network or firewall settings where you can classify the Zerotier network as Private (or alternately, just turn off the firewall if the machine only lives in a “safe” place)