Question concerning zerotier client within win10 and outline vpn together

Hello everybody! Could you help to clear: 1) I have win 10 pc with network adapter
2) All pc works under outline vpn, witch route all traffic to outline-tap virtual nat adapter
3) I installed Zero Tier client and added network inside and got 3th adapter Zero Tier
4) When i look in panel, i see that zero tier determines my home IP but not IP of endpoint of outline vps server
5) Why so? I guess that zero tier client works not under outline adapter via home internet directly?
6) It is bad that i ifraid that traffic can be leaked from programs on pc via zero tier adapter by direct home ip not for tunnel outline
7) On other pc i use wireguard, web panel shows correct ip of endpoint server

Could you help to understand this matter and mechanism of working zero tier network

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