I need help for accessing IP cameras remotely, from another network.
I have an IP camera at home. I want to access it through my laptop.
I downloaded the ZeroTier client both on my home PC and on my laptop. Also, both devices are connected to my ZeroTier network and running Windows 11 (and both are authorized).
Then I tried to add the following route:
Destination: CameraIPv4/23 (I don’t know why I chose /23 but I guess it doesn’t matter)
Via my Home PC’s Zero Tier Managed IP.
What am I supposed to do now?
How can I check if it’s working?
How can I connect to the camera?
The route you have set to CamerIPv4 tells your laptop how to find your camera. This camera has to know the route to your remote laptop. Your can do that to set a static route in your home network to the Zerotier network via your home PC.
You need to add a managed route on ZT controller: {your Home_LAN/24 or just Camera_LAN_IP/32} via HomePC_ZT_address
You need to add a static route on your home router: {your ZT network} via HomePC_LAN_address
You also need to enable forwarding between the network adapters on your HomePC that acts as a router between LAN and ZT.
Hey, sorry for the delay. To set a static route on my home network I would have to do this on the router or is there anyway of doing this only by using my home pc?
Also, after I do this, which IP should I connect to (using my laptop, to access the camera)?
Hey, sorry for the delay. Can you give me any tips on how to add a static route on my home router?
Also, after I do this, which IP should I connect to (using my laptop, to access the camera)?
Thanks, I’ll have a look at my router’s GUI and try to figure this out.
Just one more thing: let’s say my Camera’s IP adress is and I can access it normally through my home PC.
My Laptop is not on the same network. So, after I follow the steps you mentioned I should be able to access the camera through the same IP ( I thought I would have to access it through some ZeroTier managed IP.
Your laptop is on another network that has a route to your home subnet. That subnet has a reverse routing to your ZeroTier network through the local gateway that is your HomePC.