Samsung S21 + APK Zerotier 1.12.0 => Loosing connection. Unable to connect to zerotiernetwork

Hi Guys,

Samsung S21 with Zerotier 1.12.0 + raspberry 4 with 1.12.2 in bridge mode: The problem with loosing connections after a few ping is back (was the mentioned 1y ago). i moved back to apk 1.8.6-1 => its working again!
any suggestions what to try? (it worked until some days ago)

In the Zerotier-Center you can see that the app is answering (updating their state, call back) and all valid. but you cannot ping or acces the network behind the zerotier gateway anymore. if you restart everything, u might get abt 3-5pings through and than: nada!

i cld help you solving the issue with testing if we stay in touch.just come back to me.


Any news? This is a major issue on samsung smartphone? support?

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