Self-Hosted: Why a 'PLANET' listed as member of my network?

Dear All

I try to play with my self-hosted controller.
I created a network and have some nodes join as member.
It run great.

But, this morning I try to check it using python console

import requests
nwid = 'zzzzzz'
ep = f'http://mycontroller/controller/network/{nwid}/member'
r = requests.get(ep, headers=HEADER)
ret_members = r.json()

and I got

{'wwwwwwwwww': 1,
 'xxxxxxxxxx': 1,
 '62f865ae71': 1,
 '778cde7190': 1,
 'cafe04eba9': 1,
 'cafe9efeb9': 1,
 'zzzzzzzzzz': 1,
 'yyyyyyyyyy': 1}

So there is 4 member with unknown node id.

I try to cross check that 4 using peer API endpoint.

and I got :

{'address': '62f865ae71', 'isBonded': False, 'latency': 22, 'paths': [{'active': True, 'address': '', 'expired': False, 'lastReceive': 1696299607837, 'lastSend': 1696299833102, 'localSocket': 93829603155136, 'preferred': False, 'trustedPathId': 0}, {'active': True, 'address': '', 'expired': False, 'lastReceive': 1696299833124, 'lastSend': 1696299913201, 'localSocket': 93829603509088, 'preferred': True, 'trustedPathId': 0}], 'role': 'PLANET', 'tunneled': False, 'version': '-1.-1.-1', 'versionMajor': -1, 'versionMinor': -1, 'versionRev': -1}

{'address': '778cde7190', 'isBonded': False, 'latency': 273, 'paths': [{'active': True, 'address': '', 'expired': False, 'lastReceive': 1696299833375, 'lastSend': 1696299833102, 'localSocket': 93829603509088, 'preferred': True, 'trustedPathId': 0}], 'role': 'PLANET', 'tunneled': False, 'version': '-1.-1.-1', 'versionMajor': -1, 'versionMinor': -1, 'versionRev': -1}

{'address': 'cafe04eba9', 'isBonded': False, 'latency': 192, 'paths': [{'active': True, 'address': '', 'expired': False, 'lastReceive': 1696300058558, 'lastSend': 1696300058366, 'localSocket': 93829603558992, 'preferred': True, 'trustedPathId': 0}], 'role': 'PLANET', 'tunneled': False, 'version': '-1.-1.-1', 'versionMajor': -1, 'versionMinor': -1, 'versionRev': -1}

{'address': 'cafe9efeb9', 'isBonded': False, 'latency': 198, 'paths': [{'active': True, 'address': '', 'expired': False, 'lastReceive': 1696300058565, 'lastSend': 1696300058366, 'localSocket': 93829603558992, 'preferred': True, 'trustedPathId': 0}], 'role': 'PLANET', 'tunneled': False, 'version': '-1.-1.-1', 'versionMajor': -1, 'versionMinor': -1, 'versionRev': -1}

I knew that the first 3 IP Address shown in ‘paths’ is assosiated with, and the forth AS Name is ‘RELIABLESITE’.

I knew that 4 nodes is normal to shown in peers list since it’s role is ‘PLANET’.

My question is, why that 4 node also listed as my network’s member?
Note: I tried to ‘delete’ that nodes, but still keep comming


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