Strange issues related to SSH on Windows 11 laptop using ZeroTier


I have a Windows 11 laptop and I use that to remotely work on a Linux box using SSH. The Windows laptop and the Linux box are connected using ZeroTier.

I’m experiencing very strange issues using SSH. I’ve tried a number of SSH clients: PuTTY, OpenSSH for Windows, OpenSSH on WSL, and a software recommended here for SFTP.

  • With OpenSSH for Windows, the ssh command just hangs without any output.
  • With PuTTY, sometimes everything works smoothly, but there are quite a few occasions where it just hangs at a black screen, not even displaying login as:.
  • With OpenSSH on WSL, this has been the most consistent so far with SSH always working, but recently I tried to run GNU Screen and that just got stuck at an empty black screen. The funny thing is that my colleague can attach to my Screen and type in it, but I can’t see anything being typed. Also weird is that GNU Screen has worked smoothly before for me - in OpenSSH on WSL.
  • With the SFTP software - again, it works smoothly at times and doesn’t work at all on a few occasions.

My colleagues have Linux laptops - again connected to the Linux box using ZeroTier - and they have no problem at all in using SSH to connect to the Linux box, or in using Screen or SFTP, etc.

I’m at a loss to understand why this is happening. Can this issue be related to ZeroTier on Windows? Or related to the fact that I use cellular data (I have no WiFi access)? My cellular data connection has never created problems for me otherwise … But I’ve been told by my colleagues that my node is always in relay state which is probably due to my cellular connection.