Suricata/Unifi IPS confuses Zerotier for Edonkey

Hi all,

From time to time my Unifi gateway IDS/IPS blocks zerotier traffic because it matches an Edonkey signature. I’ve opened a case with Unifi. They pointed me to the Suricata Emerging Threats ruleset.

curl "" -slient -o -| grep "ET P2P Edonkey Search Request (search by name)"

Points to this rule:

alert udp $HOME_NET [!3389,1024:65535] -> $EXTERNAL_NET [!3389,1024:65535] (msg:"ET P2P Edonkey Search Request (search by name)"; dsize:>5; content:"|e3 98|"; depth:2; content:"|01|"; within:3; reference:url,; classtype:policy-violation; sid:2003319; rev:4; metadata:created_at 2010_07_30, updated_at 2019_07_26;)

I will fill in the Emerging Threats feedback form for this rule, but I guess more information about the ZT packet structure will be necessary to refine this rule. Is it documented somewhere?



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