Synology NAS & ZeroTier Issue


Yesterday, we had lightning hit behind our offices. It blew out the UPS battery backup that’s with the Synology. Eventually switched it over to a new battery backup and powered it on. Some of the clients told me they lost connection to their mapped drives.

Checked their Zerotier and it says it was connected. So I disconnected, reconnected and it shows connected.

I SSH’d in, logged into the Synology and typed

/usr/syno/bin/synopkg is_onoff zerotier
package zerotier isn’t turned on, status: [255]

Then typed in…

/usr/syno/bin/synopkg start zerotier
{“action”:“prepare”,“error”:{“code”:275,“description”:“failed to lock packages”},“stage”:“prepare”,“success”:false}

Any ideas? I feel like just uninstalling zerotier all together, and reinstalling. Thoughts? Is there a guide to uninstall?

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