TightVNC over Zerotier Connection Security

I wonder if the connection between TightVNC server and client over zerotier network is completely secured by zerotier encryption. If so, even if no passwords are set on TightVNC server, theoretically the connection should be no less secure.
Am I right or missing something?

Yes, it does. TightVNC has no built-in encryption protocol by default, so it is highly recommended to use a VPN or SSL-tunnel service to protect it.

Password setting:

But setting password on TightVNC is still strongly recommended, because normally TightVNC exposing itself to ALL possible ethernet connection, not just to ZT’s.
So anybody, who can access your host PC, will be able to connect to it via TightVNC!
To prevent that, you can restrict access to ZT’s IP range. (Options >> Access Control >>create 2 rules, first with Accept, and a global - to deny.)

Did you know, that you can SAVE the connection parameters on the client side, including password?
(So you would need to type it only once!)

That’s why it is unclear: Why wouldn’t you wanna set one?

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