Unable to access to services in a docker container

Hello to everyone,
I’m fairly new to ZeroTier, so sorry for the dummy question.

I’ve created my first network and I’ve joined it with 2 devices:

  1. Raspberry Pi 4 (RPI)
  2. iPhone

On my RPI I’ve a bunch of services that I can navigate directly from my iPhone using RPI_MANAGED_IP:SERVICE_PORT. However, I cannot connect to 2 services that are inside a Docker container with OPENVPN (e.g. Docker Hub).

Clearly, I can access to these 2 services when I’m in LAN. In other words:

  • 192.168.1:9091 from iPhone on LAN works
  • RPI_MANAGED_IP:9091 from iPhone w/ ZeroTier enabled doesn’t work

Is there some specific configuration that I’m missing? Thanks to who will spend time to help me :slight_smile:

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