Using NoMachine over Zerotier

I have NoMachine installed on my iPhone, Windows 10, and Raspberry Pi 5 and I’m able to connect from each while on my internal network. I want to use ZT to be able to connect to them outside of my internal network. I have Att Uverse as isp and created a ZT vpn with all thee devices added. When I try to connect with NoMachine from the internet I get timeouts. Any help would be appreciated


I think the answer is:

  • NoMashine is using it’s main public server to connect devices with each other, through internet.
  • Zerotier is not allowing devices to use the internet through it by default. (It is a closed network by default!)

If you want to reach your Win10 or RPi, you can use other programs:

  • Windows Remote Desktop - allow user first, set a password for it
  • VNC or TightVNC or UltraVNC (install server to the PC first)

iPhone links:

To reach the Raspberry Pi from Windows, you should use min. the latest UltraVNC version, because it’s Viewer supports the built-in Wayland interface of RPi OS.


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