ZeroTier Cellular Data Connection Issues

Hi guys,

A client of mine if having major issues connecting to his mail server via ZeroTier with using Cellular data.

A few details;

The VPN works fine with WIFI connection.
Client cannot search the internet on cellular with the VPN connected.
Cellular works fine without the VPN connected.
The device is a Samsung A21.
Provider is Telstra.
I have checked Cellular data is enabled in Android settings.
Client has removed, re-installed app & re-added himself to the Network.
Client is approved in Zerotier Portal.
Clients status on Zerotier is all as expected.

I’m troubleshooting this remotely which adds a layer of difficulty.
If anyone has any ideas about this or can identify something I have missed that would be great.

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Hi, I’m joining the topic. I have exactly the same problem. When I’m on wifi no problem. When I turn off the wifi on my phone and connect only via LTE, I have access to my network resources, but not the internet on the web.

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The solution is ridiculously simple, I checked the ZeroTier RFC4193 (/ 128 for each device) option and it works :slight_smile:

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Hi Toni,

Where is the option exactly? Unfortunately I don’t have an Android so can’t explore myself.


On there are 3 options for IPv6 to choose from. I chose the first one and that solved the problem.

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Seems maybe the provider must block the IPV4 addresses traversing but allows ipV6?

In my case, the ISP wrote that the APN settings do not block access and the IPv6 settings in the VPN need to be verified. It’s always a good idea to ask your ISP.

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