Zerotier-cli: missing port and zerotier-one.port not found in /var/lib/zerotier-one

Hello everybody,

I started to setup zerotier and have a network with one client.
now I try to add another armbian buster Rock Chip 3399 System to add and installed the zerotier-one (1.6.5).
zerotier-one/buster,now 1.6.5 arm64 [installed]
but when I run “sudo zerotier-one info” I am getting the message “zerotier-one: fatal error: cannot bind to local control interface port 9993”
if I run “sudo zerotier-cli info” I am getting that error message “zerotier-cli: missing port and zerotier-one.port not found in /var/lib/zerotier-one”

The and the IP@ of that unit are both listening to 9993
The file zerotier-one.port is not in /var/lib/zerotier-one.

Any ideas or even a solution for my problem?


… and I just looked again running “sudo netstat -lp --numeric-ports --numeric-hosts | grep zero”. The output shows that there is no enty for for udp, so I assume that is the problem.
Let me see if I can find out how to correct this.

the installer usually starts a systemd unit that starts zerotier. Is there anything interesting in systemctl status zerotier-one ?

Hello zt-travis,

at this point not really, it starts, or restart with no error message. When I check the status it shows always.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: zerotier-one.service: Service RestartSec=100ms expired, scheduling restart.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: zerotier-one.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: Stopped ZeroTier One.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: zerotier-one.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: zerotier-one.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: Failed to start ZeroTier One.

Looking at journal -xe it also show always
– The unit zerotier-one.service has entered the ‘failed’ state with result ‘exit-code’.
Jun 11 22:41:58 systemd[1]: Failed to start ZeroTier One.
– Subject: A start job for unit zerotier-one.service has failed
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: Debian -- Support

and when I run sudo netstat -lp --numeric-ports --numeric-hosts | grep zero I get
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1616/zerotier-one
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1616/zerotier-one
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1616/zerotier-one
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1616/zerotier-one
tcp6 0 0 ::1:9993 :::* LISTEN 1616/zerotier-one
udp 0 0* 1616/zerotier-one
udp 0 0* 1616/zerotier-one
udp 0 0* 1616/zerotier-one

so non of the UDP ports is listening and the udp is not showing at all.
I actually do not know how to make a port listening.

could anyone provide with some ideas on how to get zerotier working on the rockpi 4? it runs armbian buster and is a 3399 chip.

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sorry we missed this. From the second netstat, it looks like it’s running somehow. Let us know if you’re still seeing this problem and haven’t given up.



docker run --device=/dev/net/tun --net=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v /var/lib/zerotier-one:/var/lib/zerotier-one -h zerotier-one -d bltavares/zerotier

I’m getting the same issue, Raspberry pi Docker install, It did work on my network but I moved it to the network its now on and I get from

sudo netstat -lp --numeric-ports --numeric-hosts | grep zero

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20094/zerotier-one
tcp6 0 0 ::1:9993 :::* LISTEN 20094/zerotier-one

and when I try

zerotier-cli join xxxxxxxxxxxx

the response is

0 join timed out

Any ideas

Bom dia,

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