Zerotier-cli shows offline, zerotier GUI shows connected

Zerotier-cli shows offline, zerotier GUI shows connected. I cannot ping other zerotier clients. It was fine last month.
I tried to install zerotier one on another PC in same network, and it shows online, but they cannot ping each other via zerotier’s IP either.

Welcome! thanks for posting.

Is this on a Windows? What version?
What does zerotier-cli listnetworks say?

Apologies for the late replay.
It is a windows server 2016 and widows 10 PC’s


I have been experiencing the same problems of late. Using Zerotier 1.4.6 on Linux daffy 5.8.9-arch2-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun, 13 Sep 2020 23:44:55 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The GUI on my usual network shows that my devices are connected, yet on the zerotier-cli command it shows the network as OFFLINE (even after a stop/start/reboot)

zerotier-cli info        
200 info REDACTED 1.4.6 OFFLINE
zerotier-cli listnetworks
200 listnetworks REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED OK PRIVATE ztr2qzacab.....

As an experiment, there now, I just created a new network, did a zerotier-cli join <id> and it said:

zerotier-cli join REDACTED                
200 join OK

So it thinks it’s okay so far, but on the GUI, even after a refresh (and a wait and a refresh), it does not show the device waiting for authorization, i.e., it is saying “No devices have joined this network.”.

Doing zerotier-cli listnetworks shows:


So it’s waiting for that authentication to come through.

It seems something is not right.

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After I ran apt update zerotier-one on one of my debian machines to go from 1.4.6 to 1.6.4 I had ONLINE on network, but OFFLINE after running sudo zerotier-cli status.

I resolved this by purging zerotier-one

sudo apt purge zerotier-one

Then I had to delete the folder /var/lib/zerotier-one folder to remove my old secets and node info etc. PS only delete from the terminal if you know what you’re doing, I take no responsibility for you running this command.

sudo rm -r /var/lib/zerotier-one

Then reinstalled zerotier-one

sudo apt install zerotier-one

Then rejoin my network

sudo zerotier-one join $NETWORKID

Opened to delete the old node, then add my required IP to the new node and then authorise the new node.
Then check my status to see I was ONLINE on my machine

sudo zerotier-cli info

Hope this can help out the next person along

Your answer works perfect !!!

Please let me add the start of the process in linux or BSD systems

sudo ./zerotier-one -d

I probed your solution because one of my clients was offline inexplicably. Thanks !!!

Hello, I have the exact same issue.
I changed my SBC from a Raspberry Pi to a NanoPI R2S used as a Music Server.
I’m using DietPi as OS (strpped down Debian)
I first manually installed Zerotier
curl -s | sudo bash
got #“Success! #You are ZeroTier address [ xxx ].”
Added my new id [ xxx ] to my Zerotier Network and checked the Auth box
Than I did
zerotier-cli join My Zerotier Network ID
200 join OK
root@DietPi:~# zerotier-cli status
200 info eb10a0b846 1.10.4 OFFLINE

I tried to uninstall, re-install with no success

I also tried to install through the DietPi CLI (softaware installer) with no success

It is the first time that it doesn’t work for me, any idea ???
Thank you,

I had to allow UDP 9993 through Firewall for it to work.