Zerotier multipath policy on Opnsense firewall

I installed client version 1.6.2 on our opnsense firewall (it is distributed as a plugin) but can’t apply balance-aware multipath policy (we have 3 internet links).

I tried:
“defaultBondingPolicy”: “balance-aware”,
“balance-aware”: {
“allowFlowHashing”: true,
“rebalanceStrategy”: aggressive

as specified in the knowledge base but the client won’t even start.

I also tried:

“settings”: {
“multipathMode”: 2

as found in chapter 2.1.5 of the manual and this seems to work but don’t know what multipath policy is implemented with this setting.

any help is welcome!

Any help on this topic?

1.6.2 seems to be breaking for a lot of people, I’d roll back to 1.4.6 before you start losing access to nodes…

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