abel@Boothill:~$ sudo zerotier-one -d
abel@Boothill:~$ sudo lsof -i :9993
zerotier- 3723 root 7u IPv4 40437 0t0 TCP *:9993 (LISTEN)
zerotier- 3723 root 8u IPv6 40438 0t0 TCP *:9993 (LISTEN)
zerotier- 3723 root 10u IPv4 40441 0t0 UDP Boothill:9993
zerotier- 3723 root 14u IPv6 40445 0t0 UDP Boothill:9993
zerotier- 3723 root 15u IPv6 40446 0t0 UDP Boothill:9993
abel@Boothill:~$ sudo systemctl status zerotier-one
Unit zerotier-one.service could not be found.
This issue only happened when compilling ZeroTier from source. Using the .deb file worked normally for Linux Mint 21.3 and 22.
However, the installation script for the .deb file is incorrectly set up not to detect .Y versions (i.e. it detects Linux Mint 21 but not 21.3). This required me to edit a certain file in my computer, which now I have forgot exactly which one, to read my Version ID as 21 rather than 21.3 to be able to run the script. I was able to edit it back to 21.3 after I ran the installation script and ZeroTier worked normally.
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