ZeroTier page not working sometimes


As per shown into this image, I have created 5 networks but they are now show. Also I tried with logout and re-logging but result remain same.

Our all team members faced this issue frequently. So what we should do for this ?

We’re taking a look. API endpoint to make the list is working fine, but trying to figure out why it’s not showing the network list.

I am seeing the issue sometimes, but only in Firefox. Chrome & Safari are working fine for me.

Found a workaround for the time being until we roll out a new version of the UI that fixes this.

Looks like you’re using Chrome, so here are instructions for Chrome: Right click on the page and select “Inspect”. Go to the “Application” tab. In the “Storage” section on the left hand side, expand “Local Storage”. Under, delete the key networks-preferences.

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