Zerotier routing works, until company VPN is started

Hi all,

I’m quite new to the community, and, using ZEROTIER.

I’m implementing this as a solution to access certain lab environments from my office. And, it works great, just, sometimes a little bit slow, but I guess maybe this has to do with the resources on my VM, and internet connection from the office. Overall, works well.

I setup masquerade, and, that also works, routing goes perfect, almost no dropped pings.

But… When I start my company their VPN software (F5 Networks), it just deletes all my routes to the internal networks, and only allows ZEROTIER IP/Subnet to work.

How can I prevent this? Does anyone have an idea. I tried adding a static route to the routing table in windows, but this did not solve anything.

So, here is a view of how the routing table looks when working and not working after initiating the VPN:

Is there anything I could do, to prevent this from happening? Or what am I missing.

Why are the routes removed, even though, you can see the ZEROTIER ip addresses are still present:

And, none of the IP ranges from my company, are in conflict with the range that I have set ZT to.

Any help is very much appreciated.


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Hi everone,

Has no one received this same occurence, where routes are removed when introducing another VPN connection?

Would hope to find an answer to this.

Many thanks,

Sounds like its some sort of policy that your company’s VPN is enforcing.


I’m thinking of the same, unfortunately. But, is there any way, I could mitigate this? I thought adding static routes, but that won’t work either.


Not that I know of. You might have to ask your company’s IT department for assistance with the issue.

Sounds very much like they aren’t using split tunnelling and instead are sending all traffic via the F5 VPN instead.

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