Zerotier UI not launch on macOS

Hi, I used to use Zerotier on a M1 MacBook and everything works well. Today I got a new M4 MacBook and migrated data from the M1 with Migration Assistant. Everything works well except Zerotier.
When I launch Zerotier from Applications folder, its icon shows up in the menubar for few seconds and soon disappear. If I click the icon before it disappear, its menu would open and says Waiting for ZeroTier system service....
I have tried to uninstall zerotier and reinstall, but that did not help.
I referenced this page to uninstall it: macOS FAQ | ZeroTier Documentation

As a temporary solution, I managed to make zerotier work without UI via command line sudo zerotier-cli [info|join|...]

Any idea how to fix the UI? Thanks a lot!

Update: I created another macOS user today, starting Zerotier UI from it works.

Just ran into the same issue but didn’t want to create a new account. Support chat replied with:

try deleting authtoken.secret from ~/Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier and/or ~/Library/Application\ Support/ZeroTier/One
(notice this is in $HOME, not “/”)

Client Configuration | ZeroTier Documentation

That seems to have done the trick.


@ggaao1994 : Please mark @zerotier32 's answer as “Solution”, before the topic is auto-closing itself. Thx!

while I don’t have exactly the same problem, removing the token didn’t help me.
the Zerotier UI starts but stays waiting for zerotier system service. If I reinstall it works. and stays working until a restart. to get it working, i have to reinstall.

UPDATE, I just found this, which does start the service without a reinstall.

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/

although i’m still trying to figure out how to fix it so i dont’ have to do anything after a restart.

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This worked! Thank you!

Thanks for the reminder. Previous replies did not came to my gmail so I missed them. @zerotier32 's answer did address my problem and I’ld like to mark it as “Solution”. But I cannot find the button for doing that…

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Strange. There should be a button under each replay! (if you are logged in)



I’ve found this explanation for the invisible Solution button:


I don't see solved buttons - Support - Discourse Meta

I’ve checked the whole sub-topic, and there are NO solved topics at all.


So I guess, the @moderators or @admins did not set properly the macOS subcategory when they have created it.
(For “Support” topic, instead of “Feature” topic kind.)


You should click on the […] icon and report the problem to the moderators.
(Although they did not respond to my last request to reopen a topic … :-1: so do not expect anything.)

One more interesting fact:

When I type @moderators , it’s a special flag, that should allow to notify them all. But a warning appears while I type, that I’m not allowed to do that.
IMHO that’s an other misconfiguration of the discuss engine here.

PS: please edit your last post, and

  1. mark it as: [OFF] topic.
  2. maybe even hide it, as I did here.
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