Zerotier v1.8.10 Moons and Orbit

HI All,

I have setup my moons infrastructure with two moons and a separate controller across aws, all working perfectly. When I want to join a new node and I issue a zerotier-cli orbit moonid moonid (zt_address is this the correct id to use) I get a 200 OK but no update on moon definition file to the new node?

does the moons.d directory need to be created manually prior to the issuing of the orbit command to work or will it create the directory and appropriate json file automatically with the orbit command?

I can join it all if I copy the relevant files, restart the zerotier-cli service and manually create the moons.d directory.

Thanks in advance for any assistance

I added a few clients tonight on my new moon network and it just seemed to start working. I issued the zerotier-cli orbit moonid moonid and was able to join the network. The only change I made was to block ipv6 on my controller and only allow communication with the moons. I did run updates on all 3 machines after a kernel warning on my hypervisor. I can only assume the out of date kernel may have caused the orbit to not work somehow.

All working now…

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