LAN gaming discovery issue

Hi, I tried to set up ZeroTier for LAN gaming. The results are overall alright, but could be better.


  • Broadcasts can be sent across using if BindToInterface is preloaded (additionally built 32-bit using -m32):
BIND_INTERFACE=<interface_name> BIND_EXCLUDE= LD_PRELOAD=$HOME/builds/BindToInterface/$HOME/builds/BindToInterface/ <command>
  • It also works in a way less hacky way by using the procedure here: route add -host dev <interface_name>
  • The above was tested using nc -luk 12101 on one side and echo -n "test" | nc -u -b 12101 on the other

What works:

  • Overall connection to a ZeroTier network, both sides can be pinged
  • Source games LAN discovery (tested with Team Fortress 2)
  • Saints Row 3 LAN discovery

What doesn’t work:

  • Saints Row 2 (Windows version under Proton)
  • Running ZeroTier alongside a bridge interface (disabling it works)
  • Using default firewalld rules

Please offer some advice and perhaps a working setup to work with, I think I have run out of things to try to get Saints Row 2 to work.

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