[this post is not actually an issue or a question]
libzt offers great functionality but is kind of a pain to integrate into your C++ projects so I created a Conan package for it, and a C++ wrapper library (also available as a Conan package):
Feel free to use or contribute (ZTCpp is not 100% feaure-complete).
P.S. Big thanks for @zt-grant from these forums for answering my questions and helping me understand libzt better (and, by extension, make this).
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This is awesome. Thanks for doing this. We will be releasing a revamped C API for libzt with a bunch of new features and documentation next month. I will circle back on this to make we keep your project in sync. Btw, feel free to add requests (like a Conan package) to our issues list or create a PR here and we can work on getting it officially integrated. The issues are a bit backlogged but that will change soon.
Thanks again!
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Hello Joseph,
Thank you for the kind words 
I’m glad to hear the libzt is still being actively developed. I did post some issues there, but the repo seemed quite neglected so in the end I patched up the most glaring issues myself (if you look at the Conan recipe you will see that it applies some fixes to the code and the build system).
I agree that any official support or integration would only do good for both libraries, but maybe it would be better to wait for this new overhauled libzt to see how that will work out. Also, getting the Conan recipes for both libzt and ztcpp hosted on some repository, like conan-center, would further improve the user friendliness, but I only have so many free hours to put into it and I give priority to features for now.
At least libzt-conan and ztcpp should work on Linux and Mac now, that’s new!
In conclusion, I look forward to collaborating and improving ZeroTier 
An update on libzt.
The 1.4.X API refresh is complete, all packages have now been updated and new documentation is out. We’ll be hosting a webinar on June 2nd
where anyone is invited to ask questions or make feature requests.
Relevant links can be found here: New Documentation / Webinar · Issue #120 · zerotier/libzt · GitHub