ZT Contextual CLI

I’m not sure if anyone else will fine this useful, but I wrote a contextual CLI for ZeroTier. I would keep the use of this script to lab functions and not in production. The main reason I created this was for easy prototyping of the local.conf file.

Script Output:

ZeroTier-> ?
Command       Description
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------
clear config  Clear configuration back to default
configure     Enter Configuration Mode
exit          Go back one level; exits script if at top level
restart       Restart the zerotier-one service
save          Save the configuration to disk
set           Set allowManaged, allowGlobal, allowDefault, and allowDNS settings
show          Show ZeroTier information
top           Go to beggining of all hierarchies
ZeroTier-> show config
Running Config not synced; run the save command to sync
    "physical": {},
    "virtual": {},
    "settings": {}
ZeroTier-> configure physical
ZeroTier-configure-physical# ?
Command    Description                    Expected Output
---------  -----------------------------  -----------------
subnet     Network Path to be configured  x.x.x.x/xx
ZeroTier-configure-physical# subnet
Enter value for subnet (Example: x.x.x.x/xx):
ZeroTier-configure-physical-subnet# ?
Command        Description                                                                                        Expected Output
-------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------
blacklist      Defines whether ZeroTier traffic can function over the Network Path                                true|false
mtu            Defines the Maximum Transmission Unit over the Network Path                                        500-1500
trustedPathId  Defines the Trusted Path ID of the network path (WARNING: disables authentication and encryption)  0-100000
ZeroTier-configure-physical-subnet# blacklist
Enter value for blacklist (Example: true|false): true
ZeroTier-configure-physical-subnet# mtu
Enter value for mtu (Example: 500-1500): 1300
ZeroTier-configure-physical-subnet# show config
Running Config not synced; run the save command to sync
    "physical": {
        "": {
            "blacklist": true,
            "mtu": 1300
    "virtual": {},
    "settings": {}
from tabulate import tabulate
import subprocess
import ipaddress
import json
import re
import os

network_commands = {
  "clear config": {
    "description": "Clear configuration back to default",
  "configure": {
    "description": "Enter Configuration Mode",
    "physical": {
      "description": "Settings that apply to physical L2/L3 network paths",
      "subnet": {
        "AllowedValues": ["IPv4Network"],
        "description": "Network Path to be configured",
        "Config_Path": 'clear.key.physical',
        "expectedoutput": "x.x.x.x/xx",
        "blacklist": {
          "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
          "description": "Defines whether ZeroTier traffic can function over the Network Path",
          "Config_Path": 'physical.{{last_value}}.blacklist',
          "expectedoutput": "true|false"
        "mtu": {
          "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
          "description": "Defines the Maximum Transmission Unit over the Network Path",
          "Config_Path": 'physical.{{last_value}}.mtu',
          "expectedoutput": "500-1500"
        "trustedPathId": {
          "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
          "description": "Defines the Trusted Path ID of the network path (WARNING: disables authentication and encryption)",
          "Config_Path": 'physical.{{last_value}}.trustedPathId',
          "expectedoutput": "0-100000"
    "virtual": {
      "description": "Settings applied to ZeroTier virtual network devices (VL1)",
      "vl1": {
        "AllowedValues": ["tendhex"],
        "expectedoutput": "10-digit value",
        "Config_Path": 'clear.key.virtual',
        "description": "Settings applied to ZeroTier virtual network devices (VL1)",
        "blacklist": {
          "AllowedValues": ["IPv4Network"],
          "description": "Blacklist a physical path for only this peer",
          "Config_Path": 'virtual.{{last_value}}.blacklist',
          "expectedoutput": "[x.x.x.x/xx,x.x.x.x/xx]"
        "try": {
          "AllowedValues": ["any"],
          "description": "Hints on where to reach this peer if no upstreams/roots are online",
          "Config_Path": 'virtual.{{last_value}}.try',
          "expectedoutput": "[ip/port,ip/port]"
    "settings": {
      "description": "Other global settings.",
      "allowManagementFrom": {
        "AllowedValues": ["IPv4Network"],
        "description": "If non-NULL, allow JSON/HTTP management from this IP network. Default is only",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.allowManagementFrom',
        "expectedoutput": "[x.x.x.x/xx,x.x.x.x/xx] |null"
      "allowSecondaryPort": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "False will also disable secondary port",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.allowSecondaryPort',
        "expectedoutput": "true|false"
      "allowTcpFallbackRelay": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "Allow or disallow establishment of TCP relay connections (true by default)",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.allowTcpFallbackRelay',
        "expectedoutput": "true|false"
      "bind": {
        "AllowedValues": ["IPv4Address"],
        "description": "If present and non-null, bind to these IPs instead of to each interface (wildcard IP allowed)",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.bind',
        "expectedoutput": "[ \"ip\",... ]"
      "defaultBondingPolicy": {
        "AllowedValues": ["any"],
        "description": "Defines the bonding policy to be applied globally",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.defaultBondingPolicy',
        "expectedoutput": "Policy Name",
      "interfacePrefixBlacklist": {
        "AllowedValues": ["any"],
        "description": "Array of interface name prefixes (e.g., eth for eth#) to blacklist for ZT traffic",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.interfacePrefixBlacklist',
        "expectedoutput": "[Interface name(s)]"
      "lowBandwidthMode": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "Enables Low Bandwidth Mode",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.lowBandwidthMode',
        "expectedoutput": "true|false"
      "multipathMode": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "Multipath mode: none (0), random (1), proportional (2)",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.multipathMode',
        "expectedoutput": "0|1|2"
      "peerSpecificBonds": {
        "AllowedValues": ["tendhex"],
        "description": "Applies configured bonding policies per peer",
        "Config_Path": 'clear.key.settings.peerSpecificBonds',
        "expectedoutput": "10-digit VL1 Address",
        "policyname": {
          "AllowedValues": ["any"],
          "description": "Defines a policy to be applied to a specific peer",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.peerSpecificBonds.{{last_value}}',
          "expectedoutput": "VL1 Address"
      "policies": {
        "AllowedValues": ["any"],
        "description": "Configure bonding policies",
        "Config_Path": 'clear.key.settings.policies',
        "expectedoutput": "Name of policy to be configured",
        "basePolicy": {
          "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
          "description": "Defines the type of bonding profile to use",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.basePolicy',
          "expectedoutput": "active-backup|broadcast|balance-rr|balance-xor|balance-aware"
        "downDelay": {
          "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
          "description": "How long after a path fails before it is removed from the bond",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.downDelay',
          "expectedoutput": "0-65535"
        "failoverInterval": {
          "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
          "description": "How quickly a path on this link should failover after a detected failure",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.failoverInterval',
          "expectedoutput": "0-65535"
        "links": {
            "description": "Specify the links that ZeroTier should use in a bonding policy",
            "interface": {
              "description": "Name of an interface to configure policy: ex. 'eth0'",
              "AllowedValues": ["any"],
              "Config_Path": 'key.settings.{{last_value}}.links',
              "expectedoutput": "Interface Name: ex. 'eth0'",
                "ipvPref": {
                  "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
                  "description": "IP version preference for detected paths on a link",
                  "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.links.{{last_value}}.ipvPref',
                  "expectedoutput": "0|4|6|46|64"
                "capacity": {
                  "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
                  "description": "How fast this link is (in arbitrary units)",
                  "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.links.{{last_value}}.capacity',
                  "expectedoutput": "0-1000000"
                "failoverTo": {
                  "AllowedValues": ["any"],
                  "description": "Which link should be used next after a failure of this link",
                  "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.links.{{last_value}}.failoverTo',
                  "expectedoutput": "Interface Name: ex. 'eth0'",
                "mode": {
                  "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
                  "description": "Whether this link is used by default or only after failover events",
                  "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.links.{{last_value}}.mode',
                  "expectedoutput": "primary|spare"
        "linkSelectMethod": {
          "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
          "description": "Specifies the selection policy for the active link during failure and/or recovery events",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.linkSelectMethod',
          "expectedoutput": "always|better|optimize|failure"
        "linkQuality": {
          "description": "Provide hints to ZeroTier as to when a link is no longer suitable for use",
          "lat_max": {                
            "AllowedValues": ["float"],
            "description": "Maximum (mean) latency observed over many samples",
            "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.linkQuality.lat_max',
            "expectedoutput": "Float Number: e.g. 1.0"
          "pdv_max": {
            "AllowedValues": ["float"],
            "description": "Maximum packet delay variance (similar to jitter)",
            "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.linkQuality.pdv_max',
            "expectedoutput": "Float Number: e.g. 1.0"
          "lat_weight": {
            "AllowedValues": ["float"],
            "description": "Define the level of importance of latency",
            "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.linkQuality.lat_weight',
            "expectedoutput": "Decimal (lat and pdv weight must equal 1): ex. '.5'"
            } ,
          "pdv_weight": {
            "AllowedValues": ["float"],
            "description": "Define the level of importance of packet delay variance",
            "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.linkQuality.pdv_weight',
            "expectedoutput": "Decimal (lat and pdv weight must equal 1): ex. '.5'"
        "upDelay": {
          "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
          "description": "How long after a path becomes alive before it is added to the bond",
          "Config_Path": 'settings.policies.{{last_value}}.upDelay',
          "expectedoutput": "0-65535"
      "portMappingEnabled": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "If true (the default), try to use uPnP or NAT-PMP to map ports",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.portMappingEnabled',
        "expectedoutput": "true|false"
      "primaryPort": {
        "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
        "description": "If set, override default port of 9993 and any command line port",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.primaryPort',
        "expectedoutput": "1-65535"
      "secondaryPort": {
        "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
        "description": "If set, override default random secondary port",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.secondaryPort',
        "expectedoutput": "1-65535"
      "softwareUpdate": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "Automatically apply updates, just download, or disable built-in software updates",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.softwareUpdate',
        "expectedoutput": "apply|download|disable"
      "softwareUpdateChannel": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "Software update channel",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.softwareUpdateChannel',
        "expectedoutput": "release|beta"
      "softwareUpdateDist": {
        "AllowedValues": ["specific"],
        "description": "If true, distribute software updates (only really useful to ZeroTier, Inc. itself, default is false)",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.softwareUpdateDist',
        "expectedoutput": "true|false"
      "tertiaryPort": {
        "AllowedValues": ["integer"],
        "description": "If set, override default random tertiary port",
        "Config_Path": 'settings.tertiaryPort',
        "expectedoutput": "1-65535"
  "exit": {
    "description": "Go back one level; exits script if at top level"
  "restart": {
    "description": "Restart the zerotier-one service",
    "command": "/etc/init.d/zerotier-one restart"
  "save": {
    "description": "Save the configuration to disk"
  "set": {
      "description": "Set allowManaged, allowGlobal, allowDefault, and allowDNS settings",
      "allowManaged": {
        "description": "Allow Routes to be pushed from ZeroTier Central",
        "command": "zerotier-cli set {{user_input}} allowManaged={{set_command}}",
        "enable": "",
        "disable": "",
        "prompt": "Enter a Network ID: "
      "allowGlobal": {
        "description": "Allow Routes to be in Public IP space",
        "command": "zerotier-cli set {{user_input}} allowGlobal={{set_command}}",
        "enable": "",
        "disable": "",
        "prompt": "Enter a Network ID: "
      "allowDefault": {
        "description": "Allow a default route to be pushed from ZeroTier Central",
        "command": "zerotier-cli set {{user_input}} allowDefault={{set_command}}",
        "enable": "",
        "disable": "",
        "prompt": "Enter a Network ID: "
      "allowDNS": {
        "description": "Allow ZeroTier DNS",
        "command": "zerotier-cli set {{user_input}} allowDNS={{set_command}}",
        "enable": "",
        "disable": "",
        "prompt": "Enter a Network ID: "
  "show": {
    "description": "Show ZeroTier information",
    "config": {
      "description": "Show the current running config",
    "info": {
      "description": "Show information for local Node",
      "command": "zerotier-cli info"
    "peers": {
      "description": "List all peers",
      "command": "zerotier-cli listpeers"
    "networks": {
      "description": "List all networks",
      "command": "zerotier-cli listnetworks"
    "bond": {
      "description": "Show ZeroTier Bonding information",
      "list": {          
        "description": "List all nodes using bonding",
        "command": "zerotier-cli bond list"
      "node": {
        "description": "Show detailed output of specific Node's bonding",      
        "command": "zerotier-cli bond {{user_input}} show",
        "prompt": "Enter a 10-digit node ID: "
  "top": {      
     "description": "Go to beggining of all hierarchies",

default_structure = {
    "physical": {},
    "virtual": {},
    "settings": {}

def save(local_config, file):
    with open('local.conf', 'w') as file:
        json.dump(local_config, file, indent=4)
    print(f"Configuration saved to local.conf.")

if os.path.exists('local.conf'):
    with open('local.conf', 'r') as file:
        local_config = json.load(file)
        for key in default_structure:
            if key not in local_config:
                local_config[key] = default_structure[key]
    local_config = default_structure.copy()
    save(local_config, 'local.conf')

def create_eval_string(base, inputs):
    for key in inputs:
        base += f"[\"{key}\"]"
    return base

def create_table(data_dict, headers):
    table_data = []
    for key, value in data_dict.items():
        if key not in ['description', 'expectedoutput']:
            row = [key]
            if 'description' in headers:
                row.append(value.get('description', ''))
            if 'expectedoutput' in headers:
                row.append(value.get('expectedoutput', ''))
    return table_data

def build_table_data(current_level, excluded_keys):
    table_data = []
    headers = ['Command']

    for details in current_level.values():
        if isinstance(details, dict):
            if 'description' in details and 'Description' not in headers:
            if 'expectedoutput' in details and 'Expected Output' not in headers:
                headers.append('Expected Output')

    for command, details in current_level.items():
        if command in excluded_keys:
        row = [command]
        if isinstance(details, dict):
            if 'description' in details:
                row.append(details.get('description', ''))
            if 'expectedoutput' in details:
                row.append(details.get('expectedoutput', ''))
    return headers, table_data

def print_table(headers, table_data):
    print(tabulate(table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt='github'))
def validate_input_value(command, value, expectedoutput):
    allowed_values = current_level['AllowedValues']

    def is_valid_ipv4_network(network):
        import ipaddress
            net = ipaddress.ip_network(network, strict=False)
            if '/' in network and str(net.network_address) == network.split('/')[0]:
                return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
        return False

    def is_valid_ipv4_address(ip):
        import ipaddress
            addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
            return addr.version == 4
        except ValueError:
            return False

    if 'integer' in allowed_values:
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
    if 'float' in allowed_values:
        if isinstance(float(value), float):
            return True
            return False 
    elif 'any' in allowed_values:
        networks = value.split(',')
        return True 
    elif 'IPv4Network' in allowed_values:
        networks = value.split(',')
        return all(is_valid_ipv4_network(network.strip()) for network in networks)    
    elif 'IPv4Address' in allowed_values:
        ips = value.split(',')
        return all(is_valid_ipv4_address(ip.strip()) for ip in ips)
    elif 'tendhex' in allowed_values:
        return bool(re.match(r"^[A-Fa-f0-9]{10}$", value))
    elif 'specific' in allowed_values:
        return value.lower() in expectedoutput.split('|')

    return value in allowed_values

def infer_type(value, allowedvalues):
    if 'float' in allowedvalues:
            return float(value)
    elif 'integer' in allowedvalues:
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:
    elif 'specific' in allowedvalues:    
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:
        if value.lower() in ('true', 'false'):
            return value.lower() == 'true'

    return value

def add_to_nested_dict(d, keys, value, cl):
    current_level = d
    for key in keys[:-1]:
        if key not in current_level:
            current_level[key] = {}
        current_level = current_level[key]

    current_level[keys[-1]] = infer_type(value, cl['AllowedValues'])

def check_for_diff(file_path, local_config):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        file_config = json.load(file)
    if file_config != local_config:        
        print("Running Config not synced; run the save command to sync")

def get_user_input():
    global dictString
    if 'configure' in dictString:
        promptIcon = '#'
        promptIcon = '->'
    cliPromptText = '-'.join(dictString.split('][')).replace('network_commands','').replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("\"","")
    userInput = input(f"ZeroTier{'-' if cliPromptText else ''}{cliPromptText}{promptIcon} ").strip().replace('ZeroTier->','').split()

    return userInput

def context_help(userInput):
    global dictString
        eval(create_eval_string(dictString, userInput))
        temp_level = eval(create_eval_string(dictString, userInput))
        headers, table_data = build_table_data(temp_level, excluded_keys)
        print_table(headers, table_data)
        print("invalid entry")

def show():
    userValue = ""
    if 'config' in userInput:
        check_for_diff('local.conf', local_config)
        print(json.dumps(local_config, indent=4))
        showJSON = ""
        if '-j' in userInput or 'json' in userInput:
            showJSON = " -j"
        eval(create_eval_string(dictString, userInput))
        temp_level = create_eval_string(dictString, userInput)
        if '{{user_input}}' in eval(temp_level)['command']:
            userValue = input(eval(temp_level)['prompt'])
        if 'command' in temp_level:
            result = subprocess.check_output(eval(temp_level)['command'].replace("{{user_input}}", userValue)+showJSON, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        print("invalid entry")

def clear_config(config):
    if 'config' in userInput:
        while True:
            userVerification = input("Are you sure you want to clear the running configuration?(yes/no): ")
            if userVerification.lower() == 'yes':
                config = default_structure
                return config
            elif userVerification.lower() == 'no':
                return config
                print("Invalid Entry, please type 'yes' or 'no'")
def apply_allow_settings():
    if userInput[-1] == 'disable':
        enable_disable = '0'
    elif userInput[-1] == 'enable':
        enable_disable = '1'
        eval(create_eval_string(dictString, userInput))
        temp_level = create_eval_string(dictString, userInput)
        if '{{user_input}}' in eval(temp_level)['command']:
            userValue = input(eval(temp_level)['prompt'])
        setCommand = eval(temp_level)['command'].replace('{{user_input}}', userValue).replace('{{set_command}}', enable_disable)
        if 'command' in temp_level:
            result = subprocess.check_output(setCommand, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        print("invalid entry")

dictString = "network_commands"
current_level = eval(dictString)
last_value = []
def cli():
    global dictString, current_level, last_value, local_config, userInput, excluded_keys    
    excluded_keys = {'description', 'AllowedValues', 'Config_Path', 'expectedoutput', 'command', 'prompt'}
    while True:
        userInput = get_user_input()
        if '?' in userInput:
        elif not userInput:
        elif 'show' in userInput or 'restart' in userInput:
            if show():
        elif 'exit' in userInput:
            if '[' in dictString:
                dictString = dictString[:dictString.rfind('[')]
        elif 'top' in userInput:
            dictString = "network_commands"
        elif 'save' in userInput:
            save(local_config, 'local.conf')
        elif 'clear config' in ' '.join(userInput):
            local_config = clear_config(local_config)
        elif userInput[0] == 'set':
                eval(create_eval_string(dictString, userInput))
                dictString = create_eval_string(dictString, userInput)
                current_level = eval(dictString)
                if 'expectedoutput' in current_level:
                    currentCommand = userInput[-1:][0]
                    while True:
                        configInput = input(f"Enter value for {currentCommand} (Example: {current_level['expectedoutput']}): ")
                        if validate_input_value(currentCommand, configInput, current_level['expectedoutput']):
                            print(f"Invalid input! Please enter one of the allowed values: {current_level['AllowedValues']}")
                    configPath = current_level['Config_Path'].split('.')
                    if 'key.' in current_level['Config_Path']:
                        if 'clear' in current_level['Config_Path']:
                    elif '{{last_value}}' in current_level['Config_Path']:
                        valueList = last_value.copy()
                        for i, item in enumerate(configPath):
                            if '{{last_value}}' in item:
                                if valueList:
                                    configPath[i] = item.replace('{{last_value}}', valueList.pop(0), 1)
                    if ',' in configInput:
                        configInput = configInput.split(',')
                    elif '[' in current_level['expectedoutput'] or ']' in current_level['expectedoutput']:
                        configInput = configInput.split()
                    add_to_nested_dict(local_config, configPath, configInput, current_level)
                    #print(json.dumps(local_config, indent=4))
                    contains_non_excluded_key = any(key not in excluded_keys for key in current_level)
                    if not contains_non_excluded_key:
                        dictString = dictString.rsplit('"]["', 1)[0] + '"]'
                        current_level = eval(dictString)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
##                import traceback
##                traceback.print_exc()

if __name__ == "__main__":

A couple quick notes:

  • The script was written in Python
  • Place the script in the zerotier-one folder and run from that location
  • The script was written with Linux in mind, but most of it should work for Windows as well, minus some functions like restarting the ZT process
  • I am a functional coder, meaning I can generally make things work, but will not necessarily use best practices. As stated, I would use caution trying ot use this on mission critical nodes.